Stephen Goeghan is an associate in the Litigation Department in A&L Goodbody in Belfast. Stephen specialist in Public & Regulatory law and has a wide range of experience in advising registered charities, housing associations and Industrial and Provident Sociaties. His practice area includes acting on behalf of regulated utilities and companies in the energy sector, his primary areas of practice are procurement, judicial review, and regulatory law.
Areas of Expertise
Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Experience Advising:
- SONI in respect of an application for judicial review and injunctive relief in respect of decisions by the Single Electricity Market Committee and Utility Regulator concerning SONI's governance.
- Various High Court challenges in respect of the changes and closure to the Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme in Northern Ireland.
- Advised Northern Ireland Co-Ownership Housing Association on its obligations as a registered charity when introducing its Over 55s product.
- Advising the Northern Ireland Housing Executive on conducting a robust procurement processes.
- Advising a Local Council of its options in respect of a turbine built on a neolithic burial site in breach of planning control.
- Providing commercial and regulatory advices to Energia in respect of third party sales agents obligations.
- Solicitor Northern Ireland (2019)
Stephen Geoghan
A&L Goodbody Northern Ireland LLP