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    A deal on BEPS 2.0 could cost Ireland 20% of its corporation tax revenues

    Speaking at an Irish Department of Finance international tax seminar, held virtually on 21 April 2021, Irish Finance Minister Pascal Donohue indicated that the cost to Ireland of agreement on BEPS 2.0 is estimated to be 20% of Irish corporation tax revenues.

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    Asset Management & Investment Funds: EU & International Developments - Apr 2021

    Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, Performance Fees, ESMA statistical reports, IFD/ IFR Investment Policy Disclosure by Investment Firms

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
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    Asset Management & Investment Funds: Irish Practice Developments - Apr 2021

    Operational Resilience, Performance Fees, CBI Q&A on AIFMD, SFDR, AML

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
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    Happy Christmas in April? The Christmas Eve Brexit deal approved in April by European Parliament

    The Brexit-related Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) between the EU and the UK was announced on Christmas Eve 2020.

  • Hospitality and licensing update: Re-opening strategy

    Hospitality and licensing update: Re-opening strategy

    As the light at the end of the tunnel begins to come into view for Northern Ireland businesses, all restaurant, bar and hotel owners are no doubt considering strategies for safe re-opening of their premises.

    COVID-19 Belfast
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    ESG-related changes to the Solvency II and IDD frameworks

    A comprehensive package of measures to improve the transition towards more sustainable finance activities in the European Union was adopted by the European Commission on 21 April 2021.

    ESG & Sustainability
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    Money Laundering Act commenced

    The Department has confirmed that the Minister for Justice signed the Commencement Order in respect of the Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) (Amendment) Act 2021 (the Act) on 22 April. 

  • publication

    Enhancing Ireland’s response to economic crime - a timetable for reform

    Following on from the much anticipated Hamilton Review Group Report on investigating and prosecuting economic crime and corruption (the Report), the Minister for Justice has now published an action plan for implementing the Report's recommendations.

    White Collar Crime
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    SFDR and Investment Funds - what’s next?

    The 10 March 2021 deadline has passed for compliance with the first phase of requirements under the Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation (SFDR).

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
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    Bavarian DPA finds data transfers to US-based email marketing platform unlawful

    The Bavarian Data Protection Authority (DPA) recently ruled a German publisher should cease using a US-based email marketing platform to send newsletters to its subscribers.

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    French court ruling considers lawfulness of using EU subsidiary of US cloud service provider post-Schrems II

    The Conseil d’État, France’s highest administrative court, recently ruled that personal data collected via a platform managed by Doctolib, and hosted by an EU subsidiary of a US-based company (subject to US surveillance laws) was in line with the GDPR.

  • publication

    The Supreme Court’s decision in Zalewski: What next for the WRC?

    In the Supreme Court case of Zalewski v. An Adjudication Officer and Others, the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) narrowly survived a constitutional challenge.
