The introduction of gender pay gap legislation in Ireland was well underway up until the COVID-19 pandemic struck in 2020. The Gender Pay Gap Information Bill (the Bill) is now back on the agenda. Cabinet approval has been given to amend the Bill and to introduce a strengthened bill.
EmploymentDomestically, the CBI launched a consultation paper on prospectus fees and service standards and issued its latest markets updates; At European level, the EBA launched a public consultation on regulatory technical standards on disclosure of investment policy by investment firms.
Asset Management & Investment FundsDomestically, the CBI published guidance for Electronic Money Institutions, Payment Institutions and Account Information Service Providers in relation to Fitness and Probity requirements; At European level, the ECB published its targeted review of internal models, a report on its consultation on a digital euro.
FinanceDomestically, the CBI published guidance on performance fees of UCITS and certain types of retail investor AIFs and updated its Q&A on AIFMD; At European level, ESMA updated its UCITS and AIFMD Q&As for its performance fee guidelines.
Asset Management & Investment FundsDomestically, virtual asset service providers must now comply with anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism obligations; At European level, the ESAs published their first joint risk assessment report of 2021 and their report on the application of their guidelines on complaints-handling for the insurance, securities and banking sectors.
Financial RegulationDomestically, the CBI published its Consumer Protection Outlook 2021. New personal injuries guidelines and new regulations requiring recovery plans for (re)insurers came into effect; At European level, EIOPA launched its IDD Single Rulebook, issued an opinion on the supervision of climate change risk scenarios in the ORSA.
Financial RegulationThe Workplace Relations Commission (the WRC) recently published its 2020 Annual Report. The Report outlines the challenges that the WRC faced in 2020 in the delivery of its services...
EmploymentClimate change is a crisis that is going to have a significant impact on our lives in the next decade. In 2020, the Northern Ireland Assembly declared a climate emergency.
Energy & Natural Resources BelfastAnn Shiels, a Knowledge lawyer in our Asset Management & Investment Funds team spoke about the Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation, SFDR, in a recent episode of the Association of Compliance Officers in Ireland's podcast series.
Asset Management & Investment FundsIn what is becoming a very busy legal area, the High Court has recently published another judgment concerning the interpretation of the European Communities (Access to Information on the Environment) Regulations 2007, as amended (the AIE Regulations).
Environmental & PlanningThe Brexit Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) finally enters into full force on 1 May 2021
BrexitIn recent years, utility companies have found themselves subject to an increasing number of information requests.
Energy & Natural Resources Belfast