On 8 April 2020, the Government published legislation giving legal effect to the restrictions on movements introduced by its guidance of 27 and 28 March 2020. This legislation was necessary in order to give An Garda Síochana (the Gardaí) the power to enforce the restrictions over the course of the easter weekend.
COVID-19Businesses in all sectors are facing very challenging times arising from the outset of, and reaction to COVID-19. With the challenges in some instances being unprecedented, directors of affected special purpose companies need to be mindful of their duties especially around decisions that they are looking at making to get through current difficulties.
Aviation & Transport FinanceThe outbreak of COVID-19 continues to have a deep impact on businesses across all sectors. A growing number of companies are warning that they will fail to meet financial and commercial targets and global supply chains are being disrupted. The legal implications of this are far ranging, complex and evolving.
Corporate & M&AThe second and third week of the shutdown phase in Ireland saw the closure of more businesses, the enactment of more emergency legislation and the introduction of the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme, as more and more jobs are impacted by the COVID-19.
COVID-19In our last update, we looked at the Betting Duty and Betting Intermediary (Amendment) Regulations 2020 which offer relief of up to €50,000 across a calendar year to bookmakers from the 2% Irish betting duty.
Betting, Gaming & LicensingAs discussed in our previous COVID-19 immigration update, due to COVID-19 any individual whose current Irish immigration permission is due to expire between 20 March and 20 May 2020 will be deemed to have their existing permission automatically renewed by the Minister for Justice and Equality for a period of two months.
COVID-19The COVID-19 crisis is having an unprecedented impact on the construction industry.
COVID-19 BelfastThe Central Bank of Ireland (Central Bank) issued a statement to consumers emphasising the importance of continued access to payments and normal payment processing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Irish regulated firms operating in the payments space will be well aware of their BAU regulatory obligations.
COVID-19The European Commission has issued Guidance to Member States on foreign direct investment (FDI), urging them to use all available tools at EU and national level to protect "Europe's strategic assets" in the current crisis.
Corporate & M&AThe European Central Bank (ECB) recently announced the €750bn Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme (PEPP). The bond purchase programme was given statutory footing on the 24 March 2020 in line with Decision ECB/2020/440 and Decision ECB/2020/441.
COVID-19The outbreak of COVID-19 continues to have a deep impact on businesses across all sectors. The Irish Government has announced a range of further measures to combat the impact of COVID-19 on Irish businesses.
Even during the COVID-19 global pandemic, time is not standing still on business disputes.