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    Asset Management & Investment Funds: EU & International Developments - March 2018

    EU & International: Proposals on cross-border funds distribution, ESMA Speech on CMU, Brexit and the ESA review, Brexit transitional period, ESMA Q&As, Crowdfunding, FinTech and more

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
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    Asset Management & Investment Funds: Irish Practice Developments - March 2018

    Irish Practice: Deadlines, CBI authorisation changes for UCITS ManCos, UCITS SMICs, AIFMs and MiFID Firms, CP119 on updating UCITS Regulations, Improvements to LOQIAIF rules and CBI Markets Updates

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
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    Asset Management & Investment Funds Q&A: March 2018

    What is the Central Bank of Ireland (Central Bank) deadline by which Money Market Funds which are availing of a transitional period must submit all documents requiring review to the Central Bank?

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
  • EU Approach to ICO Regulation

    EU Approach to ICO Regulation

    The last few weeks have seen a number of notable developments in the US regulatory landscape for cryptocurrency and initial coin offerings (ICOs). 

    Client Tech
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    Report of the Financial Services Ombudsman 2017 – A Summary

    The Report of the Financial Services Ombudsman (FSO) issued on 29 March 2017. As always, it contains interesting insights on trends and outcomes in FSO complaints.

  • EU Fintech Update: Virtual Currencies and Blockchain

    EU Fintech Update: Virtual Currencies and Blockchain

    Yesterday, the Irish Department of Finance published a Discussion Paper on Virtual Currencies and Blockchain Technology.

    Client Tech
  • Article

    Private Equity in Ireland 2017

    David Widger, Head of A&L Goodbody's Corporate Department, reviews the Irish private equity deal activity in 2017 and provides an outlook for the months ahead. First published in the Private Equity Review (Seventh Edition) by Law Business Research.

    Private Equity & Venture Capital
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    Cartels and Leniency Law in Ireland 2018

    Dr Vincent Power, Head of A&L Goodbody's EU, Competition & Procurement Group, looks at the Irish regime and reviews policies and guidance in relation to cartels and leniency law in Ireland. First published in 'The Cartels and Leniency Review' (Sixth Edition) by Law Business Research.

    EU, Competition & Procurement
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    Changes to the Northern Ireland Landfill Tax Regime – 1 April 2018

    As part of its Landfill Tax Compliance Strategy and following a public consultation last year, the Government has brought forward draft legislation amending the Landfill Tax Regulations 1996 (the "1996 Regulations"), which extends the scope of Landfill Tax to sites operating without the appropriate environmental licence or permit. The proposed changes will apply to waste disposed of at landfill an

    Environmental & Planning
  • article

    Employers: Are you GDPR ready?

    We look at the key areas where employers will need to implement change to manage the impact of GDPR.

  • Article

    The UK Supreme Court decision in Burnden Holdings (UK) Limited v Fielding: potential implications for directors in some corporate reorganisations

    If a transaction by a company amounts to an "unlawful distribution", and the company subsequently goes into liquidation, will an action for recovery of the benefits of that distribution, brought against the directors who authorised the transaction, be statute-barred if it is commenced by the liquidator of the company more than 6 years after the distribution was made?

  • Article

    Financial Services Regulation & Compliance - Cross Sectoral Feb 2018

    On a domestic level, the Data Protection Bill 2018 was published which incorporates Ireland's national implementing measures required under the GDPR. The Central Bank published its Q&A in relation to the Minimum Competency Code 2017 and Minimum Competency Regulations 2017.

    Financial Regulation