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    High Court Upholds FSO Finding That Material Non-Disclosure Could Void Insurance Policy

    Summary In Richardson v Financial Services Ombudsman & anor [2016] IEHC 560, (High Court, Hunt J, 14 July 2016), the High Court upheld a finding of the Financial Services Ombudsman (FSO) that an insurance company was entitled to void a life insurance policy for material non-disclosure.

    Financial Regulation
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    Bill extends time limit for certain FSO Complaints

    The Government has published the General Scheme of the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman Bill 2016.

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    Brexit – Implications for Public Policy and Administration in Ireland

    Dr Vincent Power of A&L Goodbody spoke at the Public Affairs Ireland Brexit conference on 21 October 2016. He spoke about the likely impact of Brexit on public administration, government and international relations from the legal perspective.

  • Article

    They think it’s all over - but Brexiting UK could still pull a u-turn on Article 50

    Article 50 is fast-becoming the most quoted but least read legal provision in the contemporary world.

    EU, Competition & Procurement
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    Private Equity in Ireland

    David Widger, Head of A&L Goodbody's Corporate Department, provides an overview of Irish private equity deal activity in 2015 and an outlook for 2016. First published in the 'Private Equity Review' (Fourth Edition) by Law Business Research.

    Private Equity & Venture Capital
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    Regulation of state and supplementary pension schemes in Ireland

    David Francis, Pensions Partner, Lorcan Keenan and Chris Comerford, Pensions Associates, provide an overview on the regulation of state and supplementary pensions schemes in Ireland.

    Pensions & Incentives
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    A&L Goodbody Guide on the EU General Data Protection Regulation

    On 5 October 2016, our IP & Technology team hosted a seminar on the new EU General Data Regulation (GDPR), which takes effect from 25 May 2018. The Data Protection Commissioner, Helen Dixon, gave a keynote address at the event, which was followed by commentary from our IP and Technology Partners, John Whelan, John Cahir, Mark Rasdale and Claire Morrissey.

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    Anti-Money Laundering Compliance

    The Department of Finance has published Ireland's first Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (ML/TF) National Risk Assessment (NRA).

    Corporate Governance & Compliance
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    Irish Budget 2017 - Tax Bulletin

    There are no major changes in Irish tax policy announced in today's Irish Budget. Its contents reflect the continued recovery in the Irish economy, yet is tempered by the risks inherent in the global economy, particularly the uncertainties of Brexit. We have summarised the more significant announcements.

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    High Court Refuses Petition for Examinership Not Brought in Good Faith

    Background In JJ Red Holdings Limited & Companies Act 2014 [2016] IEHC 524, High Court, Baker J, 15 September 2016, the petitioning Company sought to confirm the appointment of an Examiner which was opposed by the Company's landlord.

    Restructuring & Insolvency
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    New Irish Share Incentive Reform Announced in Budget 2017

    The Irish Minister for Finance Michael Noonan announced today some very welcome news in the area of share based remuneration for Irish businesses.

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    Successful Disability Discrimination Appeal Before the Labour Court - Tips for Employers

    The Labour Court recently awarded €13,500 to a claimant for discrimination on the grounds of disability, discriminatory dismissal and failure to provide reasonable accommodation.
