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    Tracker, Financial Services Regulation & Compliance - Cross Sectoral

    On the Domestic Front: Central Bank of Ireland issues Statement on the outcome of the UK Referendum on EU Membership; Statement by Irish Minister of Finance following the UK Referendum on EU membership. On the European Front: Department of Finance Public Consultation on Financial Institutions Levy closes 8 July 2016 Central Bank of Ireland publishes a 10 Step Guide for Micro and Small Enterprises

    Financial Regulation
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    Tracker, Financial Services Regulation & Compliance - Investment Firms

    On the Domestic Front: Irish Stock Exchange statement following the UK Referendum. On the EU Front: European Securities Markets Authority publishes Q & A on the application of the AIFMD; European Securities Markets Authority publishes Q&A on the implementation of EMIR

    Financial Regulation
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    Tracker, Financial Services Regulation & Compliance - Funds

    On the Domestic Front: Central Bank publishes Markets update. On the European Front: Updated ESMA Q&A on the application of AIFMD; ESMA Q&A on the application of EuSEF and EuVECA Regulations

    Financial Regulation
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    Tracker, Financial Regulation & Compliance - Banking

    On the Domestic Front: Central Bank of Ireland Director of Credit Institutions Supervision delivers a speech on his role and supervisory priorities; Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Ireland emphasises the importance of macroprudential mortgage rules. On the EU Front: European Central Bank issues statement following the UK referendum on EU membership

    Financial Regulation
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    Tracker, Financial Services Regulation & Compliance - Insurance

    On the Domestic Front: CBI consults on guidance regarding external audit of Solvency II returns/disclosures; Insurance Ireland issues statement on insurance costs debate.

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    Poolbeg Planning Scheme Strategic Development Zone (SDZ)

    On 20 May 2016, the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government, Simon Coveney, announced that on foot of a request by Dublin City Council, the Government has made an order designating the western part of the Poolbeg peninsula as a Strategic Development Zone (SDZ).

    Environmental & Planning
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    What to do when dawn raids happen

    This article examines a recent decision of the Irish High Court, CRH Plc, Irish Cement Ltd and Seamus Lynch v The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission [2016] IEHC 162, which highlights the importance of regulators complying with the scope of search warrants and with privacy laws when conducting dawn raids.

    EU, Competition & Procurement
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    The Front Page, Asset Management & Investment Funds: EU & International Developments

    On the International front we look at AIFMD, CMU consultation on cross border distribution of investment funds, EuSEFs, EuVECAs, Benchmarks, ELTIFs, MMFs, AML/CTF, FSB consultation on recommendations to address structural vulnerabilities arising from asset management activities and IOSCO.

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
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    The Front Page, Asset Management & Investment Funds: Irish Practice Developments

    On the Domestic front we look at upcoming deadlines, Brexit, Central Bank Markets Update, CP105 on the CBI UCITS Regulations, CP86 and Market Abuse.

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
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    Labour Court issues recommendation under amended industrial relations legislation

    The Labour Court recently issued its first recommendation under the Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act 2015.

    Pensions & Incentives
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    A Key Practical Tip on the Brexit Reality for Business Executives

    On Brexit, it is now time for business executives to move from the politics to the practicalities.

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    Closure of the NIRO to small wind

    After months of speculation the Northern Ireland Department of the Economy (the successor body to DETI) has confirmed today that the Northern Ireland Renewables Obligation scheme (the "NIRO") will close to new small wind farms on 30 June 2016.

    Energy & Natural Resources