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    Central Bank Update

    The update also includes the Eleventh Edition of a UCITS Q&A with a new Q&A 1059 which confirms that that internally managed investment companies must comply with Regulation 100 (7) of the Central Bank UCITS Regulations (which concerns the independence of the individual performing the organisational effectiveness role).

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    Central Bank Update

    The update also includes the Eleventh Edition of a UCITS Q&A with a new Q&A 1059 which confirms that that internally managed investment companies must comply with Regulation 100 (7) of the Central Bank UCITS Regulations (which concerns the independence of the individual performing the organisational effectiveness role).

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
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    Update on Climate Change and Low Carbon Development Bill 2015

    The Seanad has now passed the Bill, with some minor amendments. These have the effect of involving both Houses of the Oireachtas in the various statutory procedures, rather than the Dáil exclusively (as provided for in the Bill passed by the Lower House).

    Environmental & Planning
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    The Front Page, Asset Management & Investment Funds: EU & International Developments

    On the International Front we look at the draft UCITS V level 2 Regulation, ESMA Q&A on AIFMD, IOSCO report on third hedge fund survey and the Cybersecurity Directive.

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
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    The Front Page, Asset Management & Investment Funds: Irish Practice Developments

    On the Domestic Front, we look at Deadlines, AIF Rulebook consultation, AIFM reporting, UCITS Q&A, AML, CBI themed inspections and CRS

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
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    HSR environmental conference – financial provision the ‘hot topic’

    Speaking at the recent HSR environmental conference, Jason Milne, Associate, A&L Goodbody addressed the issue of making provision for the cost of mopping up environmental damage - as well as greater energy and water efficiency, for businesses large and small.

    Environmental & Planning
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    No statutory right of appeal against Information Commissioner’s discontinuation of review

    The Court of Appeal in Kelly v The Information Commissioner [2015] IECA 270 upheld the High Court's finding that no statutory appeal lay from the discontinuance of a review by the Information Commissioner.

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    Consumer Protection (Regulation of Credit Servicing Firms) Act 2015

    The Consumer Protection (Regulation of Credit Servicing Firms) Act 2015 came into force on 8 July 2015.

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    When are Borrowers Consumers?

    The High Court recently considered two cases involving arguments as to whether loans should be deemed consumer loans and the application of the Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears.

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    Probationary Periods and Fair Procedures

    Two recent Labour Court decisions have reiterated the need for employers to apply their disciplinary procedures where an employee on probation is being dismissed. A common and mistaken belief among employers is that there is no requirement to apply fair procedures if an employer decides to dismiss an employee on probation.

    Pensions & Incentives
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    High Court Considers Enforceability of Jurisdiction Clause

    In Clubgear v Mitre Sports International Ltd and Prostar Sports Ltd [2015] IEHC 708 the High Court upheld the validity of a jurisdiction clause, in favour of the Courts of England and Wales. The jurisdiction clause was contained within the defendants' terms and conditions of trading, on the reverse side of a credit account opening form.

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    Tracker, Financial Services Regulation & Compliance - Cross Sectoral / Other

    On the Domestic Front: Items including the following - Central Bank publishes a Guide to Prospectus Approval in Ireland - ISE publishes updated rules for ESM listed companies, Central Bank updated Credit Union Handbook chapters and publishes Q&A document

    Financial Regulation