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    Voluntary Discovery – be crystal clear when agreeing terms

    The Commercial Court has recently delivered judgment in Irish Airline Pilots Pension DAC v Mercer [2022] IEHC 22  which considered the approach that a court will take in interpreting an agreed category of discovery in circumstances where there is a dispute regarding the extent of the relevant category.

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    Regulation of Providers of Building Works Bill reaches Committee Stage

    The Regulation of Providers of Building Works Bill (the Bill) continues its progress through the Irish legislature and has now reached the Committee stage (the third stage, before the Dáil).

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    Returning to the workplace: New Protocol published on preventing the spread of COVID-19

    As employers will be aware, with effect from 24 January 2022 the government changed its advice in relation to the requirement for home working to allow a phased return to physical workplaces.

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    It may be Sunday but competition never rests…Ireland announces its new law

    On Sunday, 30 January 2022, Ireland's Enterprise Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, Leo Varadkar TD, announced the unveiling of the Competition (Amendment) Bill 2022.

    EU, Competition & Procurement
  • publication

    Data protection - A new direction

    On 10 September 2021, the UK government’s Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport ('DCMS') published their proposed reforms to the UK’s data protection regime in a document entitled, Data: A new direction.

  • Article

    Asset Management & Investment Funds: EU & International Developments – Jan 2022

    PRIIPs KID deadlines, CSA on valuation of UCITS and open-ended AIFs, UCITS investment restrictions, UCITS hedged share classes, marketing of new share classes cross-border, AIFM investment in crypto-assets, reverse solicitation, EU AML list of high risk third countries

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
  • Article

    Asset Management & Investment Funds: Irish Practice Developments - Jan 2022

    Deadlines, fees for non-discretionary investment advisors providing services to a QIAIF, performance fees in multi-manager UCITS and RIAIFs, outsourcing, board meetings and tax residence, company law flexibility measures, CBI Markets Update, IF FAQs on EU Taxonomy

    Asset Management & Investment Funds
  • publication

    Right to request remote working - All bark but no bite?

    Following on from the sudden lifting of many public health restrictions and amongst a flurry of media attention arising from reports of employees being overwhelmingly in favour of continuing to work from home, the draft scheme of the Right to Request Remote Working Bill 2022 was published this week.

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    Gambling Regulation Bill flagged as ‘priority’ legislation in Government’s 2022 legislative programme

    The General Scheme of the Gambling Regulation Bill which was unveiled on 21 October 2021 has been included in the list of 'priority legislation' scheduled for drafting and publication during the first half of this year.

    Betting, Gaming & Licensing
  • publication

    Employment Law in 2022: What’s on the horizon?

    While it is safe to say that 2021 saw some important developments in employment law, there is no doubt that in 2022 we are set to see some real changes.

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    Proposed new Irish laws: Competition, communications and consumer law

    Ireland's Department of An Taoiseach (the Irish Prime Minister) has prepared its Spring 2022 Legislative Programme.

  • publication

    Review of Irish merger control in 2021

    Mergers, acquisitions and certain joint ventures are notified to the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) which determines whether the proposed transaction would “substantially lessen competition" in Ireland.

    EU, Competition & Procurement