Click below to view a list of our frequently asked questions or for further information on our Trainee Solicitor Programme please contact us.

The 'Milkround' recruitment process is the term given to the period when ALG seeks to recruit for our Trainee Solicitor Programme. It generally takes place from September to October each year. ALG will deliver presentations or webinars and attend career fairs on campus during this time. You can view our upcoming events here.

You can discuss the prospect of a traineeship with our Graduate Talent team by contacting us here. We are also happy to organise a chat over coffee with your interviewers, a current trainee solicitor or another one of the firm's partners or lawyers.

Our annual Milkround recruitment process opens for applications at the beginning of September of each year and closes mid-October. Additionally, many of our trainee solicitors are recruited through our Summer Internhip Programme, as all of our summer interns are guaranteed an interview for our Trainee Solicitor Programme.

All final year students, post graduates and those who have successfully obtained a third level degree qualification can apply for the Trainee Solicitor Programme.

No, you will be required to attend just one interview. Click here to view our top interview tips. These tips are designed to give you a general focus for your interview preparation.

Each interviewee will be interviewed by a two person panel.

The number varies from year to year, but normally we recruit approx. 40 - 50 trainee solicitors per annum. It is important for us to support the firm’s resourcing strategy by taking in top calibre trainee solicitors who we hope will stay with the firm in the long term. We are focused on ensuring all trainee solicitors have a positive experience with ALG whereby each trainee solicitor has all the support and training they need during their traineeship. Therefore, we monitor our intake numbers to ensure we can deliver a quality traineeship to those who have been offered a position with the firm.

We will be recruiting for trainees to join our 2025 intake and our 2027 Trainee Solicitor Programme onwards. Places on our 2026 programme are currently full.

Yes, we do try to accommodate any preferences trainee solicitors may have and, in most cases, we can accommodate trainee interests.

Trainee solicitors will work in some of our main departments, namely: Commercial Property, Corporate and M&A, Corporate Taxation, Disputes & Investigations, ESG, Finance, Pensions, and Pro Bono.

We have an excellent retention rate, it is on average 95-100%.

Our official start date is in May of each year.

Challenging yourself outside of your comfort zone means that you can bring something more to the table as a trainee solicitor. Your life experience will help you adjust to the challenges that a traineeship brings and often helps you cope when in pressurised situations, so yes, we encourage future trainee solicitors to go out and sample some of what life has to offer before beginning a traineeship, but it’s not a pre-requisite and is very much a personal decision.

Our position is that it's very much something for you to decide upon. We provide full training for all trainee solicitors. In conjunction with the Professional Practice courses run by the Law Society of Ireland, you will be fully prepared for life as a corporate lawyer when you qualify. Therefore, having a Masters degree is not a pre-requisite to getting an offer from ALG. Doing a Masters is an expensive undertaking and whilst there is certainly no negative impact in doing a Masters (our view is that all knowledge is helpful), applicants should not feel that they 'need' to have a Masters to get into ALG. It is very much a personal decision.

Yes, once you commence your traineeship, all Law Society fees will be paid in full.

The firm will pay for one sitting per FE1 exam (eight in total) upon the trainee joining the firm, provided they complete these per the terms of their contract.

All trainee solicitors complete four 'rotations' or 'seats', spending approximately six months in four different practice areas. Our current training contract is structured as follows;

  • Seat 1​: May - September 2023​
  • Fused PPC​: September 2023 - April 2024​
  • Seat 2​: May 2024 - December 2024​
  • Seat 3​: January 2025 - June 2025​
  • Seat 4​: July 2025 - December 2025​
  • Qualification: January 2026​

Students often ask how they can differentiate themselves on their application form. Most application forms have a limit on the amount of information you can put in each section. Therefore, it's important to choose your words carefully and to be clear and concise. It is also very important to think about exactly what you are putting on your application and what a corporate law firm might look for/expect in a candidate. Ask yourself the following questions and how you might demonstrate your knowledge and skills in these areas on your form:

  • Do I read business pages in newspapers or online?
  • Do I know what's happening in the markets and on the global political stage?
  • Do I know what legal developments are currently taking place in Ireland / abroad?
  • What are the biggest challenges currently facing law firms?
  • Do I have varied interests?
  • What do I know about ALG and how are my skills suitable for the work we do?
  • How have I challenged myself in my life to date? Am I resilient? How do I demonstrate this?
  • Am I a good communicator? How can I demonstrate this on my form?
  • What are my achievements to date which show that I am a suitable candidate for corporate law?
  • How do I demonstrate that I've thought about / know why a career in corporate law is for me?

Click here to view our top application tips. These tips are designed to give you a general direction on the application process.