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    Significant Court of Appeal decision - Confirmation that redundancy-based unfair dismissal claims belong in the WRC, not the High Court

    This week the Court of Appeal weighed in on the crucial question of precisely where an employee can legally seek to challenge the redundancy of their role. The

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    The new EU Prospectus regime – what’s new?

    A new prospectus regime applies across the EU since 21 July 2019. The Prospectus Regulation (the Regulation) was drafted by the European Commission with the intention of making it simpler and more cost-effective for businesses to raise funds publicly and to encourage smaller firms in particular to list on equity and debt markets.

    EU, Competition & Procurement
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    Strategic Housing Development case-law update – failure to upload bat survey leads to permission being set aside

    Strategic Housing Development case-law update – failure to upload bat survey leads to permission being set aside This decision is of particular relevance to developers involved in Strategic Housing Development (SHD) applications and highlights the need to ensure full compliance with the procedural and legal requirements of the associated legislation. In Southwood Park Residents Association v An Bo

    Environmental & Planning
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    New Regulation of Short-Term Lettings

    The Government has introduced legislation to regulate the short term letting sector. It passed the Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Act 2019 and supplementary regulations entitled the Planning and Development Act 2000 (Exempted Development) (No. 2) Regulations 2019, which came into effect on 1 July 2019. Purpose of the legislative reform The Government's view was that the unregulated short-t...

    Environmental & Planning
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    Protected Disclosures – an overview of the proposed EU whistle-blower legislation

    In 2014 Ireland took the lead in whistle-blower protection with the introduction of its Protected Disclosures Act 2014 (the Act). The Act not only consolidated Ireland's previous piecemeal legislative approach it actively promoted a cultural shift towards encouraging employee whistle-blowers by offering significant protections.

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    Irish citizenship applications disrupted by significant High Court decision

    Last week's High Court decision in Roderick Jones v Minister for Justice and Equality (the Judgment) has shined a spotlight on the residency requirements for gaining Irish citizenship by naturalisation. However, the Judgment has led to widespread concern from individuals awaiting decisions on citizenship applications, prospective applicants, and their employers.

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    Deferred Prosecution Agreement - Parent Responsibility in the UK

    On 4 July 2019, Mr Justice William Davis approved the UK Serious Fraud Office (SFO) entering into a three year Deferred Prosecution Agreement (DPA) with Serco Geografix Limited (SGL). This is the first DPA which has come before the UK courts whereby a parent company has guaranteed undertakings given by a dormant subsidiary.

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    The Climate Action Plan 2019 – A Sector By Sector Guide

    On Monday 17 June, the Government published its Climate Action Plan 2019, which sets out its proposed policy measures for addressing the threat of climate change in Ireland.

    Data Centres
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    The Climate Action Plan 2019: Waste and the Circular Economy

    The Climate Action Plan addresses the need focus on designing out waste, prioritising prevention of waste at every opportunity through eco-design, reuse and repair, taxation and levies.

    Energy & Natural Resources
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    The Climate Action Plan 2019: Transport

    In 2017, transport accounted for 19.8% of Ireland's greenhouse gases. We are already over 98% dependent on fossil fuels and as the economy continues to grow, so too does the concern that transport will represent the Achilles' heel in the Government's decarbonisation plan.

    Energy & Natural Resources
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    The Climate Action Plan 2019: Enterprise

    In 2017, emissions from the enterprise sector (of which manufacturing is one of the largest) accounted for 13.4% of Ireland's greenhouse gases. The Climate Action Plan acknowledges the historical connection between buoyant economic activity and high industry emissions and sets a range of targets.

    Energy & Natural Resources
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    The Climate Action Plan 2019: Electricity and Renewables

    On 17 June 2019, the Irish Government published the '2019 Climate Action Plan' and an 'Annex of Actions' together "the Plan") setting out a cross-sector suite of objectives and actions aimed at reducing Ireland's carbon emissions. The Plan includes a number of new – and existing – measures that will have broad implications for the electricity sector.

    Energy & Natural Resources