The Central Bank of Ireland issued revised guidance in July 2019 on UCITS financial indices. In January 2020, the Central Bank of Ireland clarified the pre- and post-authorisation certification and confirmation process in that guidance.
Asset Management & Investment FundsThe Central Bank of Ireland delivered an address on 15 January 2020 outlining the supervisory and enforcement priorities for 2020. This provides firms with an important indication of the Central Bank's focus. This is particularly the case given the link between supervisory engagement through thematic reviews, 'risk mitigation programmes' and 'skilled persons' reviews and ultimately enforcement act
Financial RegulationThe High Court refused a recent application by Ryanair for an injunction to prevent its former Chief Operations Officer (COO) (Mr Bellew) from joining easyJet. It held the restriction in question was void and unenforceable as an unjustified restraint of trade....
EmploymentIrish merger deals notified to the CCPC in 2019 drop by over half but rebound seems underway
Corporate & M&ADomestically, the proposal of a Bill to establish a cross-border agency for criminal activity in Ireland and Northern Ireland, and a speech by Michael Hodson of the CBI; At European level, new European Council conclusions on the deepening of the Capital Markets Union, and AML; joint guidelines on AML published by the European Supervisory Authorities....
Financial RegulationDomestically, CBI publishes first Motor Insurance Report of the National Claims Information Database; At European level, EIOPA identifies areas where risks for consumers remain high...
Financial RegulationDomestically, CBI Supervisory Priorities for 2020; At European level, ESMA's pan-EU review on the use of supervisory sanctions for UCITS
Financial RegulationDomestically, the CBI has released its final markets update of 2019; At European level a new regulation on the powers, governance and funding of the ESAs has been published...
Financial RegulationDomestically, the CBI published the second Financial Stability Review of 2019, and the Department of Justice published an independent evaluation of community banking in Ireland; At European level the European Commission and Council have issued a joint statement on "stablecoins", while the EBA has published reports on short-termism, and risks and vulnerabilities in the EU banking sector...
Financial RegulationDawn raids - practical advice for general counsel
EU, Competition & ProcurementThe Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government, Eoghan Murphy TD, and the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Richard Bruton TD, launched a public consultation on proposed revisions to the Wind Energy Development Guidelines (the draft Guidelines) on 12 December 2019.
Environmental & Planning