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Energy policy and regulatory round up | January – April 2024

Energy, Infrastrustructure & Natural Resources

Energy policy and regulatory round up | January – April 2024

In this publication, we identify the key energy policy and regulatory developments from January to April 2024.

Mon 13 May 2024

5 min read

In this publication, we identify the key energy policy and regulatory developments from January to April 2024. This tool is intended as a snapshot for developers, investors, banks and other institutions supporting the energy sector in Ireland. 


The first few months of the year were busy for the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC) and the Commission for the Regulation of Utilities (CRU) in the Republic of Ireland (ROI) and the Department for the Economy (DoE) in Northern Ireland (NI).


8 January 2024 – DECC publishes Climate Action Plan 2024

DECC published its third annual update to Ireland’s Climate Action Plan (CAP 2024) on 8 January 2024. The CAP 2024 sets out the roadmap to deliver on Ireland’s climate ambitions. It aligns with the legally binding economy-wide carbon budgets and sectoral ceiling that were agreed by Government in July 2022. View publication.

15 January 2024 – CRU opens Consultation on Large Energy User Connections Policy

The CRU opened its consultation on Large Energy User Connection Policy on 15 January 2024. The consultation forms part of the National Energy Demand Strategy, being led by the CRU, and is intended to provide a new pathway for Large Energy Users to connect to the electricity and gas systems while minimising the impact on national carbon emissions.

The closing date for submissions was 19 March 2024. View publication.

17 January 2024 – CRU publishes Decision on the Installed Capacity Cap

The CRU published its Decision Paper on the Installed Capacity Cap for certain energy generators. Amongst other developments, the CRU has decided to remove the installed capacity cap associated with single technology sites. View publication.

Read more in the ALG insight: CRU decision to remove Installed Capacity Caps.

22 January 2024 – DECC publishes Offshore Renewable Energy Future Framework Policy Statement

DECC published its consultation on the ‘Offshore Renewable Energy Future Framework Policy Statement’. The aim of the consultation was to gather stakeholder feedback on aspects of the over-arching future framework for the development of offshore wind in Ireland’s territorial seawater and exclusive economic zone. The framework aims to deliver 20 GW of offshore wind by 2040 and at least 37 GW by 2050.

The closing date for submissions was 26 February 2024. View publication.

30 January 2024 – DECC publishes Draft National Biomethane Strategy

The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and DECC published a consultation in relation to the National Biomethane Strategy. Biomethane has the potential to displace fossil gas in many hard-to-decarbonise sectors and is expected to play a significant role in the decarbonisation of Ireland’s agricultural sector.

The closing date for submissions was 5 March 2024. View publication.

2 February 2023 – DoE publishes design considerations for a Renewable Electricity Support Scheme for Northern Ireland 

The Department for the Economy (DoE) published its design considerations for a Renewable Electricity Support Scheme for Northern Ireland. This public consultation sets out, and seeks input on, the design considerations on which the DoE will base the development of a renewable electricity support scheme for Northern Ireland. This is a key step to achieving the 80% renewable electricity consumption target by 2030 set out in the Climate Change Act (Northern Ireland) 2022. 

The closing date for submissions was 27 April 2023. View publication

Read more in the ALG insight: Target 2030 - The Renewable Electricity Support Scheme for Northern Ireland.

12 February 2024 – DECC publishes Consultation on CAP 2024

DECC published a consultation in relation to the CAP 2024. The draft Plan, which was prepared in accordance with the Climate and Low Carbon Development Act 2015-2021, and approved by Government in December 2023, sets out the key actions and measures to support the delivery of Ireland’s emissions reduction targets and overall climate objectives. The draft plan is being subject to Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Appropriate Assessment (AA).

The closing date for submissions was 5 April 2024. View publication.

14 February 2024 – DECC publishes Consultation on Terms and Conditions for the fourth onshore competition under the Renewable Electricity Support Scheme (RESS4)

DECC opened its consultation for the fourth onshore competition under the Renewable Electricity Support Scheme (RESS4).  The Renewable Electricity Support Scheme (RESS) provides support to renewable electricity projects in Ireland. The aim of the targeted consultation is to receive stakeholder feedback on the proposed Terms and Conditions.

The closing date for submissions was 28 March 2024. View the publication.

4 March 2024 – CRU issues its 2024 Work Plan

The CRU published its 2024 Work Plan. The work plan sets out the high-level priorities and KPIs for each division of the CRU in 2024. It also provides industry with a preview of forthcoming policy objectives. 

Key actions on decarbonisation relate to:

Key actions on security of supply and wholesale energy relate to:

View publication

8 March 2024 – Government launches ‘Powering Prosperity’ – Offshore Wind Industrial Strategy 

The Government launched the “‘Powering Prosperity’ – Offshore Wind Industrial Strategy”. The overarching objective of the strategy is to maximise the economic benefit of achieving Ireland and Europe’s offshore renewable energy (ORE) targets by creating a solid domestic supply chain and resilient ORE industry. View publication

8 March 2024 – CRU publishes Phase 2 Offshore Grid Charging Policy Consultation

The CRU published the Phase 2 Offshore Grid Charging Policy consultation paper. This consultation paper explores the charging policy options the CRU is considering applying to offshore wind generation projects seeking to connect to the grid.

The closing date for submissions was 19 April 2024. View publication

4 April 2024 – DECC publishes Green Public Procurement Strategy and Action Plan 2024 – 2027

DECC published ‘Green Public Procurement Strategy and Action Plan 2024 – 2027.’ The intent of the policy is to drive the implementation of green and circular procurement practices across the public sectors. View publication

Read more in the ALG insight: Update on Green Public Procurement Strategy and Action Plan.


For more information please contact authors John Dallas, partner, Aisling O'Donoghue, senior associate, or any member of the Energy, Infrastructure & Natural Resources team.

Date published: 13 May 2024

Resources and further reading

Large Energy User Grid Connection Policy

CRU decision to remove Installed Capacity Caps

Renewable Electricity Support Scheme for Northern Ireland 

Green Claims and the Green Transition – what do they mean for your business?

Green Public Procurement Strategy and Action Plan 

Key Contacts