Annual review of M&A transactions notified to Ireland's Competition and Consumer Protection Commission.
Corporate & M&AThe European Commission revises the public procurement thresholds every two years. The new thresholds, published on 18 December 2017, apply from 1 January 2018.
EU, Competition & ProcurementA look at the economic and legal effect of Brexit on EU competition law in Ireland.
BrexitIrish politicians and diplomats did a superb job at landing a very good Phase 1 Report on the Brexit talks.
BrexitEuropean Commission and UK report sufficient progress made on Phase 1 of the Brexit Talks
BrexitEuropean Competition Commissioner Vestager gave a wide-ranging speech, entitled "Clearing the Path for Innovation", at the Web Summit in Lisbon on 7 November 2017.
EU, Competition & ProcurementOn 6 November 2017, the European Commission approved, under the European Union's State aid rules, various Belgian tax measures designed to assist the maritime transport sector.
EU, Competition & ProcurementIn Goode Concrete v CRH PLC & ors [2017] IEHC 534, High Court, Barrett J, 7 September 2017, the Court ordered a confidentiality ring for discovery in proceedings which alleged a breach of competition law, by way of collusive tendering, concerted practices and/or abuse of a dominant position.
EU, Competition & ProcurementThe EU's European Banking Authority ("EBA") and European Medicines Agency ("EMA") are currently both located in the UK. As a result of Brexit, the two bodies will be looking for new homes. 21 EU Member States – representing 23 cities - have applied to house the bodies.
BrexitHome Secretary, Amber Rudd, has announced that the Home Office will recruit an extra 1,200 immigration caseworkers to help register the 3 million EU nationals currently living in the UK before the Brexit deadline.
BrexitThe Irish Competition Authority regularly dawn-raids businesses, professional bodies, trade associations and homes. Everyone in business in Ireland needs to be briefed on how to deal with such unannounced visits. A&L Goodbody’s EU, Competition & Procurement Group briefs you on what you need to know.
EU, Competition & ProcurementThe Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation (DBEI) launched a public consultation on the provisions relating to mergers and acquisitions under the Competition Act 2002 on Friday 29 September 2017 (Consultation).
EU, Competition & Procurement