Mandatory gender pay gap (GPG) reporting in Ireland is now in its third year and, as expected, the threshold drops this year (2024) from employers with 250 or more employees to those with 150 or more employees.
EmploymentTransparency allows for the detection of discrimination, raises awareness and stimulates debate around why such pay differences exist. Read more here.
EmploymentThe Gender Pay Gap Information Act and Regulations require employers with 250 or more employees to publish details of the gender pay gap (GPG) in their organisation by this December. Read more here.
EmploymentThe principle of equal pay for equal work has been around a long time, but lack of pay transparency has been identified by the European Commission as one of the key obstacles to its enforcement. Read more here.
EmploymentOn 3 June 2022, the long-awaited gender pay gap reporting regulations were published.
EmploymentGender pay gap reporting requirements for employers with 250 or more employees will commence in December 2022.
ESG & SustainabilityThe Gender Pay Gap Information Act 2021 was signed into law last year, but regulations prescribing the details and requirements associated with the publication of the information are still awaited.
EmploymentOn 7 July 2021, the Gender Pay Gap Information Bill passed all stages of the legislative process in houses of the Oireachtas.
EmploymentThe introduction of gender pay gap legislation in Ireland was well underway up until the COVID-19 pandemic struck in 2020. The Gender Pay Gap Information Bill (the Bill) is now back on the agenda. Cabinet approval has been given to amend the Bill and to introduce a strengthened bill.
EmploymentThe much-anticipated text of the Government's Gender Pay Gap (GPG) Information Bill (the Bill) has now been published. In amending the Employment Equality Acts 1998-2015, the Bill envisages that the Minister for Justice and Equality (the Minister) will make additional regulations that will require certain Irish employers to report and publish details of both their GPG and gender bonus gaps. In...
EmploymentIt's fair to say that the progress of mandatory gender pay gap (GPG) reporting in Ireland has been sporadic to date. So where are we now when it comes to mandatory GPG reporting for employers in Ireland?
EmploymentNew legislation is being considered by the Irish government and could soon be commenced.
Gender Pay Gap